Previous Posts:

Quadratic Voting - weighted voting to extract more insights from polls and surveys


Detailing the what, why and how of my implementation of QV in a forms application.

NixOS, an Operating System for Me?


Detailing my experience with NixOS, its benefits and drawbacks, and how to work around them for a great experience.

GPT-4o vs. GPT-3.5-turbo - Major improvements regarding psychological analysis


See how GPT-4o significantly improves upon GPT-3.5 in analyzing student chat, revealing more nuanced insights into stress, control, and support in learning environments.

Validating Psychological Insight from Chat - An LLM-Driven Approach (GPT-4o)


This article details an abbreviated form of the research paper I wrote on the subject of using Large Language Models (LLMs) for psychological analysis of chat messages, focusing on work/educational-related stress. I analyzed anonymized data from a Discord chat group consisting of students from an educational program, collected longitudinally from fall 2022 to summer 2023.

Speedrunning Ethereum


My journey through the great experience of the programme at Speedrun Ethereum.

Getting Started with pass - A Self-Hosted, Secure, and CLI-Friendly Password Manager


Learn how to set up and use pass, a self-hosted, secure, and CLI-friendly password manager, to efficiently manage your passwords with features like multiline inserts, rofi-pass, and pass-otp.

Writing PDFs with Markdown


An entry guide to using Markdown to write pretty documents, including PDFs using Pandoc.

Using LLMs to do Psychological Research, a Feasibility Study (GPT-3.5)


This article details an abbreviated form of the research paper I wrote on the subject of using Large Language Models (LLMs) for psychological analysis of chat messages, focusing on work/educational-related stress. I analyzed anonymized data from a Discord chat group consisting of students from an educational program, collected longitudinally from fall 2022 to summer 2023.